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To Whom It May Concern...

Last night, America decided to elect a RACIST, SEXIST, RAPIST, XENOPHOBIC, ABUSIVE, LYING, ABLEIST, HOMOPHOBIC OPPRESSOR into office and gave him the presidency of the United (not) States of America. What have we done? How did this happen. Yes, we can blame everyone around us, but the most effective thing we can do now is ACT. The Venus Collective was started to help female artists produce artwork without being discriminated, demeaned or oppressed. And now I sit at home and see what is happening to our country, saddened, honestly a sadness I've never felt before.

If I did nothing with the artistic platform given to me and our collective, I'd be wasting so much.

This is an official call for any ARTISTS or PEOPLE from any background (PoC, lower class, LGBTQ+, Muslims, Women, Disabled, etc...) to help spread awareness. We need to make people realize what is at stake, we are putting so many innocent people in danger.

The Venus Collective will NOT and will NEVER support anyone who demeans and oppresses others, sexually assaults women because he feels they are lesser than him, calls a whole race of humans "rapists and criminals", call civil PoC protestors "thugs" and encourage violence against them, has open support from hate groups such as the Klu Klux Klan, & the many more sad things this "man" has done.

Thank you for reading this and we hope to hear from you soon. If you'd like to submit some work, email us at or hit us up on instagram or twitter.

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